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Rtn. Grace Gitonga

April 12, 2022 admin 248 Comments

I started out as a rotaractor during my college years. I was introduced to the Rotaract Club of Nairobi Central by Rtn. Veronica Ndumbi. We served, had fun, and made friends. Most memorable were the sunshine rallies. Spending the day with all the differently-abled children, feeding them and packing gifts……..It is always an honor, and fills my heart with joy. This always reminds me to count my blessings.
Then we had TGIF (Thanks God It’s Friday). I always looked forward to Fridays when we had hookups with other Rotaractors and made merry. Noone was in a hurry to go home-well, it was the beginning of the weekend anyway.
I then moved town for work and joined the Rotaract Club f Malindi. I made new friends and TGIF continued. We planted mangroves, did many community projects, and enjoyed life. Rotarians are family- Our Mother Club-Rotary Club of Malindi, was always at hand to assist us in all ways possible, financial or otherwise. I will forever be grateful.
I joined the Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road in 2020. My main reasons for being in this space are service, giving back, and friendships. I get fulfilled when we change lives. When we put a smile on someone less fortunate. I believe that I don’t have to have too much for me to share. I believe that I receive my blessings when I give. Being around fun-filled people makes life easier and keeps me smiling. Our club members love life and it’s easy to connect.
I hope to remain a Rotarian for a foreseeable future, improve my community in any possible way, make connections and enjoy as much as I can. We live once……Let’s make merry and let’s make it a better place for the generations to come.


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