In attendance were;
D9212 representatives: Rotarian Janet Mathenge – Community Service Chair, Rotarian Isaac Gitoho – International Service Chair, Rotarian Tito Tadeo – Strategy, Planning, M+E and Policy Advisory Chair.
Parents and Pupils, Teaching and Non-teaching Staff led by Head Teacher Hellen Osita and BOM member George Kangethe.
Veronica Kiama represented the Sub-County Director of Education Mr Oginjo.
Rotarians from Rotary Clubs of Kiambu, Karen, Nairobi Magharibi, Madaraka, Nairobi East, Muthaiga, Nairobi Muthaiga North and host Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road.
We thank you all for your partnership and attendance.
Various media houses were present to cover event including live broadcast by TV47 during their 11am bulletin.
Partners: RC Nairobi Muthaiga North, RC Sunrise of Road Town D7020