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7th Installation: Installation of President Grace ‘Kui’ Gitonga and the 2024/25 board

1pm Camellia Gardens, Limuru

You’re Invited!

Join us for the Electrifying Installation of President Grace ‘Kui’ Gitonga 😊😚 and her Esteemed Board of Directors

🗓 Saturday, July 13th 2024
🌳 Camellia Gardens, Limuru

🔵🤍 Dress in Dazzling Blues and Brilliant Whites for an afternoon and an evening of Celebration!

🍖 Indulge in Mouthwatering Nyama Choma and 💃 Dance the Night Away!

All Proceeds Benefit our Critical
🏫 Basic Education and 💧 WASH Projects

This is a Can’t-Miss Event –
Be There to Welcome Our New Leader and her team

7th Installation: Installation of President Grace 'Kui' Gitonga and the 2024/25 board